We are available!

General Secretariat / Accounting and Quota Payments
Flávia Ferreira


  • Rua Dr. Roberto Frias
    4200 – 465 Porto
  • +351 220 413 317
  • +351 914 607 231

Join us!

APCA currently has more than 150 members. If you are interested in becoming an APCA member, we would be delighted to welcome you!

To join APCA follow the steps below:

1) Fill out the form below.

2) Pay the annual fee and annual fee by choosing one of the following methods:

a. The Check issued to: APCA – Portuguese Association for Automatic Control. or,

b. Bank transfer to the APCA account at Caixa Geral dos Depósitos with IBAN: PT 50 0035.0671.00004650530.69

3) Send everything to the APCA email address:geral@apca.pt

NOTE: APCA membership, with the inherent rights and duties, becomes effective only after payment of the due fee and fee.

Jewelry 5 €; Quota: 15 € / year, 7.5 € / year for students.

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